Science Behind CBD

CBD is often described as “pharmacologically non-selective” because of its broad spectrum of activity and interaction with various neurotransmitter systems in the body. Patients find attractive the ability of CBD to treat many different conditions without side effects. However, precisely because of this feature, CBD may not be a preferred ingredient for doctors. Because in the medical world, targeted treatment options with certain effects are generally preferred. Doctors tend not to prefer products that are plant-based and have a wide spectrum of action.

CBD stands for Cannabidiol. It is the second most common ingredient in the active ingredients found in the leaves, buds and flowers of the cannabis plant. 

Although CBD is a component of cannabis, it does not by itself cause “psychoactive” effects like the other ingredient, “THC”. 

According to a report from the World Health Organization, “CBD shows no effects in humans with any potential for abuse or addiction.”

Recently, doctors and scientists have been testing and validating the therapeutic properties of CBD, which has a rich history in medicine dating back thousands of years. 

A safe, non-addictive substance, cannabinoidol is one of more than 140 cannabinoids found only in hemp and hemp.

CBD (along with other compounds in the cannabis plant) interacts with these receptors found in every organ and most tissues to maintain the body’s internal balance.